Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Done and Done...

So the demo disc of Butch and Poco in Aqua's Halloween is complete. The Final edit will need a tiny bit of tweaking but it is 99% ready for Prime Time Viewing. So come one come all, and see the horror that is Butch and Poco NOW ON DVD........

Monday, April 25, 2005

Life smiles and Frowns, Has Ups and Downs...

Well what a weekend. Good and bad stuff abounded.

First, We shot the Live version of Timmy J. Studios Halloween video, with B&P Pictures. It was Hella good time, and there should be about 20 minutes of outtakes to accompany this almost 4 minute video. I am very pleased with the footage that was shot. So that was fun.

Second, I finally got to see Amityville Horror, the original, which wasn't too bad. Thank you Kat Brown Portable Cinema releasing.

but then there was the bad.....

The day after the shoot, Man did I feel like crap. Not to mention, our not too cheap coffee maker bit the dust, and they have discontinued the model, so who knows what that means. Then we had to shell out even More for a good coffee maker. But it is cool, so that's ok. I guess. I didn't get to edit the video yet, but that is ok too, I will get to it. I guess there wasn't too much bad, not really. But hey, the week is young.

At least it started out with a rain.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Well isn't that just super duper kick in the crotch fantastic....

Ok, well there is a new pope, and people left and right at my office are just gasping and OH MY GOD DID YOU HEAR??? And I think about 2 out of 500 here are catholic, so I am just like who gives a crap and when did you convert? Speaking of people at my office, Lots of people win stuff from the radio here. I know one person who has won many vacations, one person one a Hummer H2 and today someone one $5000.00. Well Yippie, I hate to sound jealous, but I am. I NEVER WIN ANYTHING. Now I know, people say that all the time, and BOO HOO ME, I don't win stuff. Well it is probably because these radio stations that these people win from are so bad, that they actually have to pay people to suffer through and listen. Oh Well. I only want to pay off some debt, but what ever, I am sure the people who win deserve it if not just because of having to listen to that crap. Have a good one. Kisses.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I think that says it all don't you? People are self serving, and self centered (not all of them mind you) and it makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I miss Darwin... Read James' Blog to see why, but its so much more than that. It is just the behavior many of us see every day. Sad...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

BOO to Texas, Kansas, Alabama, S Dakota Tennessee and others... YAY to Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut!

So Connecticut may pass Civil Unions, which is great, a great step. Of Course here, in TX, its, lets see how much we can screw the gay people, and not in the good way, no... So anyway, interesting stuff on the civil rights front. Very interesting. Anyway, just thought I would throw that out there.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Fun weekend...

Yay for Leeann's party. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed catching up with people we haven't seen in a while, which was nice. There were people I didn't really know, but had seen before, who were nice to talk to and a few new faces too. Overall a good time. I was sick Monday, but aside from that its been a good few past days. So on to the work week, sans Pope. One thought on that. Don't you love it (not) when some one dies, no matter who they are, the instantly become the greatest person who ever lived. From the lowliest lowlife Jerk husband to the most close minded preacher to some people who deserve it, all are remembered as great people who loved everyone. Well here is a reality check. The Pope wasn't so great, I am not saying that because I am not a Catholic or religious, but he wasn't. He was close minded, and had backwards views on the world and people. I am sure he did wonderful things for people and all of that, but he was no saint, weather they make him one or not. It is sad someone who had such a huge (all be it blind in some instances) following, died, but he was no better than your average person, he just had a paid ticket for life by the church. Anyway, have a good week if I don't rant later.