Tuesday, June 29, 2004


my Everything
mornings bright and new
a field in the country with morning mist creeping
a sky filled with stars like grains of sand
the warmth of a touch and spark of a glance
knowing with one look
Yours always
my Everything

to James, I love you...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Post Post

Ok, so James and I were walking with Megan the other night, and WTF did I see but a Hairy Fat Tarantula on the Sidewalk. Now I am all about them being in Zoos and pet stores and stuff but come on. I have noticed lately that spiders have really gotten bold in their pursuit to take over humanity. I want to offer them shelter under my shoe when it is raining, but forget they are there by mistake as I walk off.
Oh that's right, it could happen. You laugh now, but there are tons on our balcony, on the sidewalks, and hello out doors. I think we need to re-work our arachnid-Human treaty and set some tariffs on them if they keep encroaching on our concrete jungle. But that's probably just me. Don't Say I didn't warn you.

--End Rant--

Betty Dead Head Alert

Hello All,

Just a note to say that Timmy J. Studios has released 2 new additions to Betty Dead Head. One is an ode to birthdays, and one is in honor of the Floods and Rain we are getting here in Texas. Enjoy!!!

P.S. A shout out to Dave, it was really good to see you again...

Timmy J. Studios