Thursday, July 29, 2004

Invasion of Personal Space

So, I going out on the balcony, minding my own business, looking out at the rain, and James says, look out, or something to that effect.  I turn to him to ask, "What", but then of course I see I am fractions of a hair from walking into a HUGE SPIDERWEB with BIG SPIDER in the middle, so of course I soil, curse and flee.  Now I think all life is great, blah blah blah, but I have walked into my share of spider webs, and why is it they put the middle of their web, and of course themsleves right in the direct path of my head.  Don't you hate it when this happens to me?  Well anyway, James broke the webs support lines and it fell with the spider into a plant, so I was free and clear to roam the balcony without the school girl screeching that comes along with walking through spider condos.  I just think anything with eight legs must be evil, and not the good kind of evil, the icky kind.  Unless it is seafood with eight legs, then that just more legs for me to eat, Lobsters and crabs and stuff might be the  evil of the sea along with squid and octopi, but thats the good evil, you can tell because they taste good and dont make evil silly string.

Monday, July 26, 2004

The Pity party is over DRUNK LEXUS LADY!


My pity party is over. Sorry about that, thing have been stressful lately.  ANYWHO, so after doing nearly a months worth of work this weekend on a friends house, we will call her Wegan. 
I am exhausted.  But hey, just so I don't get more than 2 hours of consecutive sleep, that DAMN crazy drunk and always altered woman with the Lexus comes up to our door at 4:40 Sunday Morning and was basically trying to break in to give away something (that wasn't hers) I am sure we didn't want.  Some painting bigger than me, and she was yelling and banging on the door and turning the knob and I think really trying to get in.  Its a shame I didn't put her out of her misery, it would have been legal if I dragged her body inside after giving her peace.  I guess it isn't enough that she yells at us and our guests from the ground up to our balcony about random nonsense.  I guess it isn't enough that she has come knocking at the very late\early hours of the morning once before to get into, not hers, but her boyfriends apt and since the complex wont just hand her a key, after bothering us, she goes and breaks into it anyway.  It really isn't enough that she stops you to talk about random $h!t that makes no sense and wastes a half hour when you are just trying to get to your apt and rest after work.  And I wont even mention the spilled green bean casserole right next to my car, or the yelling from the parking lot, or slamming of car doors.  No, No, Virgins, how can I have a pity party for me when someone so truly pathetic is going around reminding me how precious sanity is and how much I value not having a screwed up life with no value or purpose.  Now I know what you're saying, Oh, Tim, that is awful, you shouldn't think of others that way!  Well that's the beauty of it Virgins, I don't think of others at all.....Kisses

Friday, July 23, 2004

Pity Party

Hey, here is a pity party for me, Due to the fact my blog sucks and no one is interested in it.  How can I make it better, any suggestions, or am I just that boring?


Here is a lovely HATE-email from one of our Fine US officers, at least I assume he is an officer, he may be a janitor, in reguards to the wonderful article James wrote about equality.  I decided to post it here because email works both ways, and while I will not email him to give him the satisfaction of lowering myself to his level.(ashTrey think about it)  So without further ado, here it is.   In case you are wondering by the way, this is a real email and not the first from him and not a joke.
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 14:26:29 -0400

Dear Jimmy,

You're an ass-clown.  I read your essay and yes, you're definitely a University of Texas Arlington graduate.  You speak of change but still yet you cannot accept the waves of change that are taking place in our society even today.  If it weren't for you and your interest groups applying pressure to the APA, you would still be classified as a disorder.  You don't need to be recognized as a married couple because that is seen as a covenant between man and God.  By the way, you're not a minority to be held in the same regards as those of minority racial groups.  We aren't born with the choice to be Black, Asian, etc, etc.  But however, you do have a choice of what kind of sex you have (if you choose to have any at all for that matter).  So just because you and Tim decide to bugger each other doesn't make you a minority with special rights.

Good luck in your endeavors,

William Lee 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Timmy J Studios Products


Just a little note to inform you that I have opened up my store, and I have Timmy J Studios products in the works.  Currently there is a Betty Dead Head Tee shirt and Jersey, and Mug, under the products section of the website, so if you are in a shopping mood, feel free to head on over to Timmy J. Studios dot com and check them out.  More products to come!!!  Have a great day, I command You!!!

Monday, July 19, 2004

New(-ish) Look

If you've noticed something different about Timmy J. Studios presents . . ., it's not the hair, it's the title banner. We've changed it to match our "corporate" logo.

- James (aka the "J." in Timmy J. Studios)

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Wow what a title for a post, anyway, things are good. The workout plan has semi failed but, what are ya gonna do? Bush's little paint-Kerry-&-Edwards-into-a-corner plan failed in the worst way, GOOD. The crappy and totally inappropriate marriage amendment crashed and burned today and that is good news for everyone. So nothing else really going on at the moment. I did add 2 links to the blog. First off, I added our friend Leeann's blog to the links, and also the highly recommended and quite snappy Wil Wheaton dot Net is now linked to my blog. This is Wil Wheaton of TV and Movie fame, but he is quite the gifted writer, and I highly recommend(can I say that enough) checking out his website So there ya go. Have a good week people.


Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Just a Happy note to wish James a Happy Birthday!!! I had a really great weekend!! Blowing stuff up, and Sushi, who could ask for more!