Monday, July 26, 2004

The Pity party is over DRUNK LEXUS LADY!


My pity party is over. Sorry about that, thing have been stressful lately.  ANYWHO, so after doing nearly a months worth of work this weekend on a friends house, we will call her Wegan. 
I am exhausted.  But hey, just so I don't get more than 2 hours of consecutive sleep, that DAMN crazy drunk and always altered woman with the Lexus comes up to our door at 4:40 Sunday Morning and was basically trying to break in to give away something (that wasn't hers) I am sure we didn't want.  Some painting bigger than me, and she was yelling and banging on the door and turning the knob and I think really trying to get in.  Its a shame I didn't put her out of her misery, it would have been legal if I dragged her body inside after giving her peace.  I guess it isn't enough that she yells at us and our guests from the ground up to our balcony about random nonsense.  I guess it isn't enough that she has come knocking at the very late\early hours of the morning once before to get into, not hers, but her boyfriends apt and since the complex wont just hand her a key, after bothering us, she goes and breaks into it anyway.  It really isn't enough that she stops you to talk about random $h!t that makes no sense and wastes a half hour when you are just trying to get to your apt and rest after work.  And I wont even mention the spilled green bean casserole right next to my car, or the yelling from the parking lot, or slamming of car doors.  No, No, Virgins, how can I have a pity party for me when someone so truly pathetic is going around reminding me how precious sanity is and how much I value not having a screwed up life with no value or purpose.  Now I know what you're saying, Oh, Tim, that is awful, you shouldn't think of others that way!  Well that's the beauty of it Virgins, I don't think of others at all.....Kisses


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