Monday, June 12, 2006

OOpps, I did it again. . .

Well I love my parents, sure, but damn it if fathers day isn't coming up, as if I don't already have enough to do. Well I guess I will play it like mothers day. BUT just a side note, which grosses me and I am sure you out. I mean what's the big deal about these days, its not like it HURTS to become a father. Maybe for the mother, but you should know what you are getting into before hand. Sorry but its true, but for the father, it doesn't hurt, it is something we all like to do and there are no after effects for him, so isn't that gift enough? I will never know if these days will be important because I, sadly am not able have children of my own. Ok that is a lie, I guess I could but, I don't want any because they suck out your life and ruin it. No really they do. I am sure I will cave and do something little for the day, I just hate feeling like I don't have the option to bow out even though I do. Stupid social graces.

Spits . . .


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