Monday, July 25, 2005

I'm Back...

Well it has been a couple of weeks. If you talk to me personally you know what's been going on so no need to go into it here, but I am back where I feel I belong for time being and happy to be here. I am sure once I get REsettled I have many choice and fun words for anyone who reads this, so until then...



At 7/25/2005 2:37 PM, Blogger The Megan said...

YAY!!!! Welcome back Timmy... no need to tell us of your '2 weeks of HELL'... we already know!! But feel free to dish whenever you want, we're always here to listen.

AND... whilst dishing would you mind please a few anecdotes regarding current events?? i just don't know what's going on in the world now since my personal news corrospondent(sp?) has been on hiatus!!

At 7/26/2005 10:42 AM, Blogger The Megan said...

indeed... what i said...

At 7/26/2005 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, what she said... she's hot!

... and not old.

At 7/26/2005 12:45 PM, Blogger Tim said...

i dont like that

At 7/26/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger The Megan said...

... you don't like what? Being hot, or being old?

At 7/26/2005 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Megan is hot... too hot, almost.



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