PBS\NPR Pledge Drives......Barf
So I get a two week alone time at work, and of course I love to listen to PBS\NPR because it is always interesting. But G.D.S.O.B if they don't have their stupid pathetic pledge drive. "Oh, if you have ever passed up a grungy penny on the street because it was too gross to pick up, you have to be able to give us money." "Don't tell me you cant afford to give, you probably have a starbucks every day at $5, call us and give to our pledge drive." "Everyone can afford to give up one luxury to give to PBS." Bull $h!T, I hate these stupid drives that imply that their station is essential to our lives. The guy who owned McDonalds, his wife gave Millions, and they still want money. I'm sorry, but I don't want to give you 400 dollars for a stupid mug. These people are worse than a church. Well NEVER\PBS, I vow NEVER to give you money. I read that when you see them on TV answering phones, half or more of the people on the phone aren't talking to anyone, they are fake calls, and most of the rings you hear are fake. They say blatantly that if you listen all of the time and arent giving to the pledge drives, you are essentally stealing, well you know what, I dont believe in stealing, but this is the one thing I will gladly continue to steal. They are so two faced too. They put on the really good programing during the pledge drive, so you think that if you pledge, you will be able to see these great things all of the time, but then as soon as the pledge drive is over, those programs are gone, and its the same old stuff. They already have some commercials between programs, so holy crap go commercial, besides, Lexus and Bachendorphs Jewelry are not chump change institutes, if those kind of companies are giving funding for these stations, which they are, then shut the hell up and stop begging people in a bad economy for money. Bastards.