Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dead Animals Need Love Too...

Kit can be a little sassy, but he doesn't mean it. It's just part of his nature.

This is the newest post and the newest thing I like on my desk.

Kisses. . .


At 6/21/2006 4:01 PM, Blogger The Megan said...

well, at least be happy you can have stuff like this at your desk. someone wore a shirt vaquely resembling a skull and cross bones like a year ago, and they sent out this huge memo of what you can and cannot wear... so much bs...

At 6/22/2006 1:04 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Well if they would quit giving public tours of your and my offices, we could do what ever we wanted.

At 6/22/2006 2:08 PM, Blogger The Megan said...

i don't go to school and i kill people, i do what i want!!! =)

ps did i forget to mention it was me who wore the skull and crossbones shirt?? lol, rrright...


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