What the hell is wrong with damn Freakin kids today?
I guess it is just a part of getting older, but I wonder if all people my age and possibly older had the same disdain for kids that I have. Kids piss me the fuck off. From birth to 20 pretty much. Of course when I was 16-17 I didn't like kids either I just didn't realize that the age range was so large until I got older. For instance, I feel like I cannot drive down the very street that we own a house on because the damn kids there like to congregate in the middle of the street and wont get out of the way until you stop for a minute. ALSO, they sometimes cross VERY SLOWLY on purpose if they see you coming. So it has come to it that when I go home, I have to seriously debate if I want to go around the back way or drive down the street on which I live. That is stupid. I feel like in a small way if I honk or say something they will retaliate and vandalize the house or my car. Did their parents never tell them to get the hell off the street when cars come? It is like that every day! Unless it is raining. Fuckers. Another part of me thinks, HEY, my tax dollars pay for the damn street, and I always knew when I was a kid\teen that if cars were coming, get out of the way. Now these are mid to older teens, but still, get the fuck off of the street. But its not just the kids in the neiborhood. Its all of them. They ruin movies, restaurants, the mall, and pretty much anywhere. I want to beat them all more than I want to beat the cat. I know that it's mostly the parents fault because they don't raise them right. But I think its also because kids suck and that goes for most teens too. I know, I know,
But TIM, you were a kid\teen once. Well DUH I know that, but I'm not now, so suck it. All I know is if I had my way, I would be realistic. I know I cant kill them all, cause of the population thing, but I would encourage shock collars and 5pm curfews. That would be sweet.
well, i agree w/ you tim... i guess it takes getting a li'l older to realize that the youth these days are just a bunch of little shits... pretty much. i think it all has to do w/ the whole 'no corporal punishment' laws... you whip a kid, they call CPS. Kids have no respect for their parents or adults in general, whatsoever. All I know is, my dad would have beat my ass if I'd run out in the street, or done any of the dumb shit kids are pulling these days... and I turned out fine.
well... sorta...
Parents have swung too far in the other direction. They've gone from smacking their kids into the next fashion trend to being totally lazy/absentee when it comes to discipline. Why don't people understand the concept of the happy medium?
Methinks their kids heard "happy median" instead, and that's why they won't get the hell out of the road.
I like that Miss Q, tell the stupid bitch whats what, and drive fast with a videotape. That is a damn good idea. I will keep that in mind as I go home. Oh and P.S. I know you are a good parent, I can tell, so I am not worried about your child, because I know he doesnt want your wrath coming down on him.
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