Whats Going On???
Well, what the hell is going on? It's just a question. Well I dont know that this post will be going anywhere at all. The news is all about the Hurricane aftermath, so not much to comment on, but let me see....
The California Assembly has OK'ed Same Sex Marriages. These lawmakers have said, if we want to tie knots we can. Now this is a big deal, but the GOVONATOR can veto this bill, so who knows if it will stick. You may as well shake your magic 8 ball to get the outcome, cause it is all up in the air. Look
I didnt know, and of course the hurrican is WAY more important, but Bob Gilligan Denver died last week. Though in my opinion Bob Denver died when Gilligan landed in our livingrooms long ago. Not funny, just a point.
More storms threaten the Gulf, so Bushey....Ya think we can get it right this time???
In work news...a furniture mover got fired after he and a coworker were caught fencing with adult $ex toys they found in a customers bedroom.
A man was fired for eating leftover pizza at work cause some other work pricks wanted to take it home but didnt put their name on it or anythng, but enough of a stink was raised that the poor man got fired for eating 2 slices anyway.
The recreation center down the street from us is finally being used, as a shelter for Hurricane victims. It is supposed to be a fitness rec center, but the parking lot is usually very empty, so happy that it is being put to use.
And Finally, I want ideas for a internet radio show and topics that could be discussed, so let me know what you think. Have a good day. Sorry for the slow news week.
Also, in case you didnt know, the Bushes suck in a MAJOR WAY, like huge corn filled donkey Poo. See?
I read an article that Bush is putting together a task force to find out 'who dropped the ball' with getting help to all these poor people in a timely manner... ARE YOU F'N KIDDIN' ME?!?!?
What a damn hypocrite.
Damn, Megan, tell us how you really feel about the worst president since Garfield . . .
YAY for CA!
BOO for Bush-Antoinettes . . .
Yes, he is a damn hypocrite...
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