Monday, May 23, 2005

It's all fun and Games until people get sick...

Well it was a really fun weekend. Friday, we had Chipotle with Lesley, and then saw Bekka, right before that had to go to a sporting event of some sort, the likes of which we will not talk about. So that was fun. James got some ideas for his next book and took notes, and I forget what I did. Then on Sat, we went to Target and did all kinds of fun shopping, had a nice lunch at Subway, switched out the light on the Terrace and did a water change in the pond, and then it was Pina C. night with Leeann. We hung out and chatted, and then had a how many cars can we destroy, and who can tip over a tour bus contest which I thought was really fun. (All on PS2, not for real) That believe it or not lasted until like 2 AM! But it was good quality fun and I really enjoyed it. So Sunday rolls around, and it turns out that James was pretty sick, I was slightly sick, but I guess I got some of his Tired germs, not the strong ones. I feel pretty ok today, just a slight cough, but he is home sick, so good MoJo to him. Anyway that was the weekend, pretty fun according to me. Everyone have a good day.



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