Monday, April 05, 2004

This is a bit of a track back, to another dream that ended in a waking wale.

This was a month or so back, and really all the dream involved was me and an associate walking an old school or institution. The building was red brick. I had this dream before many times, but the end of this time was different. I was there trying to flush out an evil presence or perhaps an actual entity. As we walked through, we would clear rooms. One by one, we searched the place, until I got a feeling, and ran out through double swinging doors (the kind with the little round window near the upper half), and through steel school or hospital doors, to a little door situated on the outer brick wall. This door was only half the size of a regular door if not smaller, and it slid open. In the previous times, I went inside the room and among the ash and dirt, found nothing, meaning to me the job was done. This time, I looked inside, and then looked up at my colleague who had the most terrifying look of dread on her face, and uncontrollably I wailed at her in a hush, "No one's home," then louder again at almost a scream, "No One's Home." And that was the end as I realized I was semi-awake, and had yelled this out not only in my dream, but in reality as well.


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